
Life in Japan


BAIA means meeting new people, building more friendship and meeting needs. I believe that we can improve ourselves by discovering new things and learning new ideas by helping and mingling with others. There are many people out there who are talented nor gifted but don’t know their worth. Due to the economic crisis and global pandemic, which greatly affected the lives and resources of many establishments and individuals, including the entertainment industry, BAIA was formed. Out of these needs and demands, it gives birth to new ideas and discovery of many things that would meet and benefit artistes like me, (Professional or non-professional) in the areas of finances and talents/skills. It becomes more effective and helped us promote the business by doing interviews with owners and artists. Interviews are exposures.
Life in Japan

Cosmos is the Autumn Cherry Blossom in Japan

I would highly recommend to visit Ikoma Plateau or Ikomakougen if you're planning to see these Cosmos Flowers, Akizakura or the Autumn Cherry Blossoms in Kyushu to enjoy the over 100,000 cosmos flowers in the country.
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